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Sound bath healing inc. dragon frequency

1 h
45 British pounds
Payne's Lane

Service Description

Sound healing works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system - the opposite of the fight or flight response! It slows down your breath and heart rate and has an effect on your brainwaves putting you into a meditative state of total relaxation. Through vibrations and audible sound this therapeutic practice reroutes old thought patterns and creates new neural pathways encouraging positive thinking, realignment of energy within the body and creates a path for trauma healing and release. The oscillation or resonance of molecules, triggered by the sound vibrations cause alternating compression and relaxation of cells. In effect a form of massage at a cellular level deep within the tissue undergoing the treatment. I also bring in energy medicine during the treatment to discover areas of stored trauma or lack of flow within the meridians, which can be manifesting as physical symptoms which are usually chronic or long standing. This treatment is person specific ….. after consultation with your energy, a prescriptive treatment to suit your individual needs is designed and may consist of one or both of the following. Lying on a heated bed that omits both the crystal bowl tones of each individual chakra and its resonant vibration, binaural tones said to promote a sense of mental wellbeing, reducing depression and mood disorders. The tones are played and felt throughout and around the body, whilst lying face down. Dragon frequency tubes are overhead and also played to anchor in healing, during a channelled guided meditation that meets you where your at and is perfect for your healing needs at that moment. It’s a very relaxing experience that gives you peace from an active mind and the PSNS state of relaxation breeds recovery and turns off the stress reaction allowing better digestion, sleep, tension, pain, appetite regulation.

Contact Details

  • 6 Payne's Lane, Feltwell, Thetford, UK


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